"terukir dibintang tak mungkin hilang cinta ku padamu"

Saturday, 1 March 2008

everything have a reason...

It’s been a long time since my last entry. Explanation????. As always… busy..busy and busy. What’s make my life so busy??

My never ending experimental work..waarrrrgghhh…. bila la SV aku akan suruh aku berenti buat eksperimen… asyik2 tambah kerja.

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 corrections.. still many things to do… Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 still in my SV hand. Lots and lots more corrections waiting. No doubt hehhe. ..

Struggling on writing Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 (eventhough this is just a conclusion chapter)

Cooking..cooking..cooking.. Do I have any other options???

House chores !!!! Haruskah aku pakai maid/helper ?????

Last but not least

My ‘never try to learn’ husband … we got the very same conversation everyday

HUBBY: Yangggg mana stoking?.. mana jumper?.. mana pisau?..mana seluar?.. mana itu? mana ini?

ME: Hubby ni tak penat ke tanya benda yg sama hari-hari, cuba la ingat kat mana benda-benda ni.. kan senang.

HUBBY: Yang tak penat ke membebel hari-hari…. bagitau jer lah kat mana..kan senang.

Hmmm...Whatever he is I still love him till the bone. I love you hubs...


areT said...

dal..tak abih2 lagi ke experiment kau tu......aduhai....k, aku doakan kau cepat2 abis...good luck tau:)

Neny said...

Ur hubby and my hubby are one lind, Dal. Nak marah pon buang masa. Aku still dlm proses belajar nenerima who is he walaupun dah nak masuk 4 thn kawin. Sapa kata married life easy?

Nurul said...

semoga ko cepat abis phd dal..ops..org laki mmg sama kot..payah nk cr barang nak jumpa..mesti byk soal.

-dal- said...

thanks korang.. aku pun harap cepatle le habis penderitaan PhD aku ni